Abilene Kitchen Remodeling

Save Time and Money With Our Smart Kitchen Planner

Our Smart Planner Makes Them Reality! Ditch the outdated and design your unique, stylish haven in minutes. There are no hidden fees, instant results, and an upfront budget so you can focus on cooking joy! Don't wait! See stunning examples with our planner and start building your culinary paradise today!


Our Previous Work

A Legacy of Enduring Excellence

Our experience in the remodeling industry has withstood the test of time and competition, maintaining a solid reputation for transparent guidance and customer satisfaction. Our team of experts prioritizes your unique needs, ensuring that every project is executed with precision and attention to detail. We are proud of our 5-star ratings on Google, Home Advisor, and Yelp, a testament to our commitment to reliable service and customer contentment.

Discover the Pro Home Remodeling Difference:

Quality Craftsmanship Tailored to Your Budget, we go beyond standard remodeling services, offering top-notch solutions for your kitchen, bathroom, garage, and roof. Our commitment to quality products at prices that suit you sets us apart. With a legacy of satisfied customers, we understand the intricacies of home improvement and strive to deliver personalized solutions that meet your security, style, and budget requirements.

Guardians of Your Home's Integrity:

Beyond Installation to Repair, We’re not just fixers; we’re guardians of your home’s integrity. If issues arise with your kitchen, bathroom, garage, or roof, our expert repair services are just a call away. Leaning doors, lock problems, wiring issues, or rotting frames – our team is equipped to bring your space back to its optimal state. Experience top-tier repairs at surprisingly affordable rates. Pro Home Remodeling is your trusted partner for all your remodeling needs.

Your Home, Your Vision:

Unmatched Expertise in Installation, Your kitchen, bathroom, garage, or roof remodeling project is only as good as its installation. At Pro Home Remodeling, we understand the importance of proper installation in maximizing the benefits of your investment. Our local installation team, approachable and knowledgeable, works on your schedule to seamlessly fit your new components. Beyond installation, we take the time to familiarize you with the operation, ensuring you feel confident using your newly transformed space effortlessly.

Contact Our Experts

Our Services

Kitchen Remodeling
Kitchen Remodeling
Bathroom Remodeling

Bathroom Remodeling

Garage Remodeling
Garage Remodeling
Roof Remodeling
Roof Remodeling

Our Services Areas

Abilene City

San Antonio

San Antonio City​


Houston City​


Austin City​